Does the law provide for invalidity pension?

  • Contributory invalidity pension (social insurance)
  • Non-contributory invalidity pension (Universal + social assistance(mt))
  • State Administered (provident fund and individual account)
  • Non-state Administered (PF and IMA)
  • Employer liability
  • No provision
  • No Data

This map reflects policies as of 1 January 2022 in 135 countries covered by the Index. The maps are based on the Labour Rights Index 2022, produced by the WageIndicator Foundation and the Centre for Labour Research (WageIndicator Labour Law office).

More Information

  • 117 countries source invalidity pension through social insurance.
  • 4 countries mandate non contributory invalidity pension.
  • 7 countries have state administered invalidity pension.
  • 3 countries have invalidity pensions not administered by the state.
  • 1 country makes invalidity pension an employer liability.
  • 3 countries have no provision on invalidity pension.